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Lefter has reviewed CNIH - Colegiul Național Iulia Hasdeu
"Here I studied to play piano, theory of music, singing, music his ..."
Lefter has reviewed International Theoretical Lyceum of Management
"This was a very good Lyceum. Beside of renovated and equiped buil ..."
Cristina has reviewed ASEM - Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
"He hecho esta carera 4 años, tengo el titulo homologado aquí como ..."
Luis Miguel has reviewed USEM - Universitatea de Studii Europene din Moldova
"Es un Diplomado para formar empresarios con conciencia social, hu ..."
Lefter has reviewed ASEM - Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
"I studied here a lot of things, that helped me in my work. The ma ..."
Lefter has reviewed Liceul Prometeu-Prim
"In this School I studied Real sciences. The teachers was very goo ..."
Veronica has reviewed Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
"He terminado muy bien. Ahora quiero trabajar en Espania como enfe ..."
Milagros Del Valle has reviewed U.E. Antonio José Sotillo
"No tengo mucha experiencia pero taltal vez se un poco de estudios"
Educaedu helps you find reviews for universities, schools and other educational institutions around the world.