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Educaedu collects reviews from thousands of real students about the institutions where they studied
Juan Sebastian has reviewed Howard W. Blake High School
"good school, decent teachers"
Silvia Clicia has reviewed FTC Federal Trade Commission
Jesus has reviewed Harvard Law School
"Quisiera hacer el curso por siempre a sido mis sueños y siempre m ..."
Katherine Estefania has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
Marco Rolando has reviewed Durham Technical Community College
"Helpfull, i have a good experience to became to know what carear ..."
Marcelo David has reviewed Harvard University
"buena atencion y prestigio"
Maria has reviewed Georgetown University
"El EFL es un programa de inglés intensivo, de alta carga académic ..."
Davi Rivera has reviewed Boston College
"mu gusta ayudar ami gente"
Anock has reviewed St. Patrick's Seminary & University
"great place to learn"
IR Teresinha has reviewed FMU Francis Marion University
"Aula com os melhores professores da Capital do.Seletivo e me for ..."
Sol has reviewed Lourdes High School
"Buen curso"
Cecilia has reviewed SUNY State University of New York
"You can learn a lot about human resources and business world. If ..."
Marta has reviewed UAB University of Alabama at Birmingham
Eduardo has reviewed Harvard Business School
"esn una de las carreras mas bonitas porque nos es util en un futu ..."
Napoleon has reviewed Teaneck High School
"Puede ser un fuente de trabajo"
Angel Gabriel has reviewed UCLA University of California Los Angeles
"Buenos es un colegio de buena educación y buena disciplina por el ..."
Luis has reviewed FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
"interesante creo que es una buena opción de aprendizaje"
Mikel has reviewed Georgetown University
"Se trata de la universidad católica más antigua de los Estados Un ..."
Laura Marcela Bomben has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
"Muy buenas instituciones"
Pedro has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
Nelson has reviewed American High School
Ana has reviewed Central High School
"E um curso de preparação muito bom"
Larry has reviewed California Polytechnic State University
Lincoln has reviewed Medaille College
"Excelente Campus Universitario. Los mejores profesores con la mej ..."
Pablo has reviewed Kansas State University
"Excelente ya que ayuda a perfeccionar en el idioma ingles,en toda ..."
Kata has reviewed Dade Medical College
"It is a good tech career an I love to study and learned a lot"
Bob has reviewed Moorpark High School
Katerine has reviewed La Salle High School
"ahi aprendi mucho fueron los mejores años de mi vida sali con bas ..."
Keren has reviewed Harvard University
"cuando era pequeña siempre soñe en cambiar al mundo con la tegnol ..."
Patricia has reviewed Santa Rosa High School
"es muy bueno y quisiera recibir mucha información de corretaje y ..."
Giovanni Giuseppe has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
"recomendada recomendada por flexibilidad de tiempo bueho excelent ..."
Narciso has reviewed Carlos Albizu University
"llevo mas de 40 anos en el campo de la psicologia"
Jennifer has reviewed BYU -Brigham Young University
Lucerito has reviewed Dalton High School
"estudia ahí es muy buen colegio solo que ahí una cuantas cosas qu ..."
Caroll Correia has reviewed FMU Francis Marion University
"Este curso é muito interessante, principalmente pars os profissi ..."
Antonio has reviewed West High School
"exelente esuela mientras estuve hay fue la mejor experiencia de m ..."
Esteban has reviewed Gwinnett Technical College
"The idea of the course is to improve skills in people who are not ..."
Luis Alberto has reviewed NYU
"The NYU my Alma Mater"
Fernando Garcia has reviewed UNPI Universidad Nuestro Pacto Internacional
Gabriel has reviewed Harvard University
"Uma das melhores universidades do mundo! Curso perfeito. A Harvar ..."
Felipe has reviewed Springfield Christian Academy
Rodrigo Fidel has reviewed Del Mar College
"la univ. del mar era muy buena en los contenidos como tambien en ..."
Beppe has reviewed Ashworth College
Miguel Ángel has reviewed Coursera
"Creo que todos los que esten en busca de nuevas experiencias en l ..."
Gloria Cecilia has reviewed American Senior High School
Vinicius has reviewed Harvard University
"muito bom"
Fannie has reviewed Valparaiso University
"This course was really amazing, I learnt a lot about strategies f ..."
Luis has reviewed George Washington High School
Ivan Pitzer has reviewed University of Alabama
"Excelente. Curso de post graduação com Mestrado , (Master of Arts ..."
Otunu Cyprian has reviewed Christian Leaders Institute
"In God I trust. Surely the course has helped me to learn alot of ..."
Educaedu helps you find reviews for universities, schools and other educational institutions around the world.